Get on the Board: Top Reasons to Enroll in Surf Lessons in Charleston

Surrounded by islands and ocean, the Charleston area is known and sought out by locals and tourists for its historic culture, delicious food and pristine beaches.  The beaches alone are home to countless activities and sports, including surfing. Learning to surf is a fun, fulfilling activity with many compelling benefits.

Isla Surf School has compiled a list of reasons to learn to surf in Charleston today, that is sure to convince you to get off of the sand and onto the board.

Fitness.  Surfing is a great way to spice up a workout routine, especially now that many are gravitating to outdoor workouts in the wake of Covid-19.  Surfing provides both aerobic exercise and strength training, as learning to surf typically requires learning to use muscles that you may not have even known you had. Although your body may ache when you begin learning, after a while, you forget you’re getting a thorough, full-body workout while out in the water. But, you will have the results to show for it.


Feelings.  In addition to working out the body, surfing is an exercise for the mind and soul. Although surfers usually hit the beach in groups of friends, once you are up on the board, it is just you and waves. This one-with-nature moment is spiritual for many, similar to meditation or religion. For others, it is an opportunity to battle internal fears, doubts or demons. Surfing can provide tremendous therapeutic benefits for those willing to give it a try.

Family and Friends. Whether a native to the area looking for new activities with friends, or a tourist looking for a fun excursion with the family, Charleston surf lessons offer both a way to develop a new hobby and to bond with family and friends. For beginners and families with young children, Isla Surf School offers safe surf lessons on small waves that will allow groups to feel comfortable and secure while enjoying their loved ones.

Fulfillment.  We won’t lie: surfing is not easy.  At the beginning, you will fail way more than you will succeed and your ego may take a hit or two. However, when you push through your frustrations and fears and persevere, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that is unparalleled. You will prove to yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to and have fun doing it, including surfing.

Fun. At the end of the day, a major reason to learn to surf is because surfing is fun. Despite the frustration and mind and body workout, it is truly an enjoyable time spent in the sun and warm South Carolina water. After a great day out on the water with friends, or alone, you will feel content and rejuvenated.

In Charleston, much of our fun is derived from the beautiful nature and landscape that we are surrounded by. Learning to surf in the lowcountry will help you embrace everything Charleston has to offer from the water; and it will be a fun activity, source of exercise and sense of accomplishment you will savor for years to come.

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