Fairweather Surfing and the Disadvantage of Only Surfing the Good Days

Have you ever heard the saying, “smooth seas do not make for a skilled sailor”, well that holds true for surfing as well. If you choose to only surf the good days, you know those days where it’s sunny, warm, with decent waves, you are never going to advance your craft. If becoming a better surfer is part of your 2021 goals, then you are going to have to surf on some less than ideal days.


Why You Should Surf the Not-So-Good Days

If you only like to surf when the sun is out and the waves are good that is totally fine and your prerogative. After all, it is all about fun and enjoyment so if 4 foot onshore waves in the rain doesn’t make you happy, than skip it.

If you intend to progress your surfing and are intent on improving, then you should be out in those rainy onshore days. Don’t feel like though you have to take a day off work if its onshore slop. Save those sick days for the good waves, but if you don’t have to call out of work and are free, you might as well hop in and catch some waves no matter how terrible it looks out.

We promise you that if you do paddle out you will be happy. It is always better than it looks and there is always some sort of opportunity at Folly Beach. If your goal is just to catch some rays and get some exercise then wait for those sunny “dreamy” days, but if not , you should get out there. Surfing in crazy conditions like rain, snow (on the very rare occasion that we get it), high winds, overcast and gloomy days can be fun! Commitment is a huge aspect of surfing and getting better

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